Empowering AJ&K through Technology

The AJ&K IT Board was established in 2001 to improve and revolutionize IT infrastructure in AJ&K. It regulates IT projects and advancements and operates under the Master Implementation Plan (MIP). The MIP aims to encourage IT facilities, optimize existing resources, and leverage emerging technologies. The board is dedicated to transforming the IT industry in AJ&K and aligning it with future needs.

For Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJ&K) the rise of Information Technology is an opportunity to overcome historical disabilities and become the master of one own destiny. IT is a tool that will enable AJ&K to achieve the Vision 2025 of GoAJK to become a skilled, prosperous and self-confident state. In doing so, IT promises to compress the time it would otherwise take for AJ&K to advance rapidly in the march of development and occupy a position of honor and pride in the community of under developed territories.

Head of Department

Director General Information Technology

AJ&K IT Board was established in 2001, through an Act of the AJ&K Legislative Assembly. The Board has the mandate to act as a regulatory, advisory & monitoring body for all IT initiatives in AJ&K.; The IT Board is working under an umbrella activity known as Infrastructure Setup for Master Implementation Plan MIP. MIP is devised for the purpose of encouraging and promoting IT facilities in AJ&K and has the following three main objectives;

  • IT Mass Literacy
  • E-Governance
  • Software Development


Our vision is to create an environment that fosters the growth in Information and Communication Technology in AJ&K.


Our Goal is to architect an ICT ecosystem for materializing the vision of digital Kashmir through computerized and digitally connected state departments.


Our mission is to succeed in a rapidly changing world, along with our partners so that together we create the future of business.